This is a script file, which you are free to use in your projects as long as you don't claim ownership of the code containted within. A large number of functions are here, and they are commented inside the file. I find them extremely useful.
They require the cross-platform style path variables. To use these on the normal PC scripts, you must add the first code block to the top of your file, and the second code block to right after the on initialize line.
global Path, FoldDelim -- Easy porting variables
-- **********************************************************************
-- Set this value to the name of the harddrive that you are
-- running FSO on (ex. if my harddrive name was Super Luker, I would set
-- Path = "Super Luker"
Path = "C:" -- If PC just use "C:"
FoldDelim = "\" -- If PC just use "\", if Mac just use ":"
FoldName = "FSOServer" -- Just use "FSOServer"
-- **********************************************************************
Path = string(Path) & string(FoldDelim) & string(FoldName) & \
string(FoldDelim) & "DAT" & string(FoldDelim)
If you do use them, I would very much appreciate an email to the effect.